Wing… Thursday? – Toonami Anniversary
So it's been a bit since I've written a Wing Wednesday! So long, apparently, that I forgot it's supposed to come out on Wednesday. Whoops. As you've probably noticed, we released our Toonami Special on Youtube yesterday, a video you were likely familiar with since we originally released it back in 2020. But why did we choose to put that particular video back up on Youtube? Why now? Getting Back On Youtube The simple answer …
Wing Wednesday: The Music
Since we have a Q&A scheduled for this Saturday, I started perusing past questions to answer and found this little gem from one of our Cool Capers: And honestly? I'd love to answer this question in depth, but it seemed a little overly involved to answer verbally in a Q&A session. So I thought, how about a blog? To answer the question directly: no, I don't, but that's not because of the Gundam Wing OST …
Watching G-Witch: So THAT’S How Season 1 Ends
Part two of my thoughts on Witch from Mercury as Blue and I watch it together for the first time. If you haven't watched it, beware: there be spoilers in these parts. So about the squashed tomato… If you remember, at the end of my One Shade of Grey video about Bandai Namco, I ended with the joke of me shouting, "Suletta! What did you DO?!" I wrote this because I was spoiled to the …