Wing… Thursday? – Toonami Anniversary

So it’s been a bit since I’ve written a Wing Wednesday! So long, apparently, that I forgot it’s supposed to come out on Wednesday. Whoops. As you’ve probably noticed, we released our Toonami Special on Youtube yesterday, a video you were likely familiar with since we originally released it back in 2020. But why did […]

Wing Wednesday: The Music

Since we have a Q&A scheduled for this Saturday, I started perusing past questions to answer and found this little gem from one of our Cool Capers: And honestly? I’d love to answer this question in depth, but it seemed a little overly involved to answer verbally in a Q&A session. So I thought, how […]

Wing Wednesday: Best-Laid Plans…

So a commenter posed a question that I’d really like to answer: Before even starting did you guys pick certain plot points or things you wanted to expand/change before doing the series, or is sort is it more you deal with these as they come along? First off: thanks for the question, JTGWfan23! I appreciate […]

Movie Blog Mondays: Just Quip It

I had the pleasure of finally seeing the Dungeons & Dragons movie this weekend, and something in particular inspired me to write about it. So why not bring back Movie Blog Mondays? In case you haven’t seen it already, D&D: Honor Among Thieves is a fun movie! I won’t go into spoiler territory here, but […]

Support Our Lady Une, Get Discounts

As some of you may already know, Android 21, our lovely actress for Lady Une in MSAGW, has hit a rough patch the last few months and needed some help financially to make rent and stay in her home. You all contributed to her GoFundMe back in March and she was able to stay afloat, […]

Wing Wednesday: So let’s talk about “Sandy”

For a starter, I’d like to introduce “Wing Wednesday.” On the first Wednesday of every month, I’ll write in depth about Mobile Suit Abridged in some capacity. I have multiple topics I’d love to talk about, but if there are any specific moments from the series, narrative decisions or simply editing choices that you’re curious […]